
Follow these steps to successfully install the pixel on your site

Accessing the Installation Page

Navigate to the Installation tab from the main menu. Here, you will find your unique Pixel Installation Script.

Copy the Pixel Script

Click the Copy button next to the pixel script to copy the code to your clipboard.

Inserting the Pixel Script into Your Website

• Paste the pixel code into your website’s HTML header section, just before the closing </head> tag.

• This ensures the script loads correctly and tracks all page visits.

Publishing the Changes

• Once the pixel is added to your site’s header, publish or update your website.

• Within minutes, Leadpipe will start tracking visitors and delivering real-time leads.

Minimal Impact on Website Performance

The Leadpipe pixel is designed with efficiency in mind. It has an ultra-fast latency of 0.005 milliseconds, ensuring that it does not affect your website’s load speed or overall performance.

Applying the Pixel Site-wide or to Specific Pages

• You can choose to apply the pixel site-wide to capture leads from all pages, or insert it only on specific URLs to target specific sections of your website.

Note: Ensure that the pixel script remains intact to maintain tracking accuracy.

Confirmation and Troubleshooting

• Once installed, visit the Dashboard or Visitors tab to confirm that leads are being tracked.

• If you encounter any issues or need assistance, refer to the Support section for help.

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