Visitors Page

The Visitors page on Leadpipe is where you can dive deeper into lead details, identify potential prospects, and manage visitor data. Here’s how to navigate and use this feature effectively:

Overview of the Visitors Page

The Visitors section displays a list of all identified leads, complete with relevant information such as:

Company Name

Visitor Name and Role

Email Address (Business and Personal)

LinkedIn Profile

Total Visits

Last Visit Date

This layout provides an easy way to track and manage leads based on their interaction history.

Lead Categorisation

The Visitors page highlights segmented leads for better management:

Hot Leads: Visited 8 or more times in the last 7 days.

Warm Leads: Visited 4-8 times in the last 7 days.

Nurturing Leads: Visited 1-3 times in the last 7 days.

This segmentation helps prioritise follow-ups and tailor outreach efforts.

Search and Filter Options

Use the search bar and the filtering panel on the right side to locate specific visitors based on criteria such as:

First and Last Name

Job Title

Seniority Level


You can also filter by contact information like LinkedIn URL and Phone Number Availability, as well as company information such as Company Name, Company Domain, and Industry.

Exporting Data

To export data:

• Apply any filters to refine your list or download the complete data set.

• Click the Export button at the top right corner of the page.

Using ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) Filters

The filtering panel is designed to help you identify leads that match your ICP. Select attributes that align with your target customer criteria, including:

Seniority Level (e.g., Manager, Director, Executive)

Job Title (specific roles within a company)

Department (e.g., Marketing, Sales, IT)


These features enable you to tailor your outreach and engage with the most relevant prospects.

Contact Details and Visit Insights

Each row in the visitor list displays:

Visitor Name linked to additional profile details.

Business and Personal Email Addresses

LinkedIn Profile for direct connections.

Total Visits to understand engagement level.

Last Visit Date for tracking recent activity.

Clicking on the visitor’s profile provides a more detailed view of their engagement and contact information.

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